18 research outputs found

    Construction of a scale for measuring business creation intention within the framework of the Moroccan entrepreneur's social network: Application of Churchill's paradigm

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    The literature points to the importance of entrepreneurial intention to achieve entrepreneurial success without explaining the passage from intention to the act of entrepreneurship as well as the role of social relations and the entrepreneur's network to succeed in this passage. This article aims to develop a scale for measuring entrepreneurial intention that leads to the effective creation of the project through the experience of creating a business by Moroccan entrepreneurs, taking into account their social networks. The challenge of our research is initially purely descriptive, and the objective of this research is to develop a scale for measuring entrepreneurial intention. Referring to the classification developed by Mbengue and Vandangeon-Derumez, (1999), our study is positioned in a hypothetico-inductive approach. The lack of existing measurement scales in the context of the future entrepreneur's social networks prompted us to go into the field by setting up an exploratory qualitative study on the theme of entrepreneurial intention and the social network. We sought to understand to what extent the notion of entrepreneurial intention could apply to the social field, with this in mind, we decided to conduct a series of semi-structured exploratory interviews on the theme of entrepreneurial intention and the entrepreneur's social network. Interviews with 18 heads of small Moroccan businesses with whom we were able to record interviews, to transcribe them and analyze the content in order to extract the items to measure the entrepreneurial intention which leads to effective creation in a social approach. Then we proceeded to the analysis of the content of the verbatim transcribed following the interviews to generate the items and proceed to their purification through a quantitative survey. The second quantitative survey was conducted among 107 Moroccan entrepreneurs from all regions of Morocco who have already experienced the transition from the phase of entrepreneurial intention to the actual creation of the project. This second quantitative survey is of an exploratory nature, it aims to purify the scale of measurement. The third survey was conducted among 170 Moroccan entrepreneurs in order to finalize the research instrument. The approach adopted is based on the steps recommended by the paradigm of Churchill. It aims to integrate the knowledge of measurement theory as well as the appropriate techniques to improve it into a systematic procedure.   JEL Rating: A14 Type of paper: Empirical researchLa littĂ©rature pointe l’importance de l’intention entrepreneuriale pour aboutir Ă  un succès entrepreneurial sans expliquer le passage de l’intention Ă  l’acte d’entreprendre ainsi que le rĂ´le des relations sociales et du rĂ©seau de l’entrepreneur pour rĂ©ussir ce passage. Cet article vise le dĂ©veloppement d’une Ă©chelle de mesure de l’intention entrepreneuriale qui aboutit Ă  la crĂ©ation effective du projet Ă  travers l’expĂ©rience de crĂ©ation d’une entreprise par des entrepreneurs marocains en tenant en compte de leurs rĂ©seaux sociaux. L’enjeu de notre recherche est dans un premier temps, purement descriptif, et l’objectif de cette recherche est la mise au point d’une Ă©chelle de mesure de l’intention entrepreneuriale. En se renvoyant Ă  la classification Ă©laborĂ©e par Mbengue et Vandangeon-Derumez, (1999), notre Ă©tude se positionne dans une dĂ©marche hypothĂ©tico-inductive Le manque des Ă©chelles de mesures existantes dans le cadre de rĂ©seaux sociaux du futur entrepreneur nous a poussĂ©s Ă  aller au terrain en mettant en place une Ă©tude qualitative exploratoire sur le thème de l’intention entrepreneuriale et le rĂ©seau social. Nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  comprendre dans quelle mesure la notion de l’intention entrepreneuriale pourrait s’appliquer au domaine social, dans cette optique, nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© de mener une sĂ©rie d’entretiens semi-directifs exploratoires sur le thème de l’intention entrepreneuriale et le rĂ©seau social de l’entrepreneur. Des entretiens avec 18 chefs de petites entreprises marocaines entreprises avec lesquels nous avons pu enregistrer des entrevues, pour les transcrire et analyser le contenu afin d’extraire les items permettant de mesurer l’intention entrepreneuriale qui aboutit Ă  la crĂ©ation effective dans une approche sociale. Ensuite nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă  l’analyse du contenu des verbatims transcrits suite aux entretiens pour gĂ©nĂ©rer les items et procĂ©der Ă  leur purification Ă  travers une enquĂŞte quantitative. La deuxième enquĂŞte quantitative s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e auprès de 107 entrepreneurs marocains de toutes les rĂ©gions du Maroc et qui ont dĂ©jĂ  vĂ©cu le passage de la phase d’intention entrepreneuriale Ă  la crĂ©ation effective du projet. Cette deuxième enquĂŞte quantitative est de nature exploratoire, elle a pour but de purifier l’échelle de mesure. La troisième enquĂŞte a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e auprès de 170 entrepreneurs marocains afin de finaliser l'instrument de recherche. La dĂ©marche adoptĂ©e repose sur les Ă©tapes prĂ©conisĂ©es par le paradigme de Churchill. Elle vise Ă  intĂ©grer les connaissances de la thĂ©orie de la mesure ainsi que les techniques appropriĂ©es pour l’amĂ©liorer dans une procĂ©dure systĂ©matique.   Classification JEL : A14 Type de papier : Recherche empiriqu

    For a characterization of the modes of deployment of e-learning courses

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    This text on the characterization of the modes of deployment of e-learning paths follows our literature review on e-learning that we used in our doctoral work. E-learning is defined in this research as a set of multimedia online training methods aimed at specific learning. Practices for deploying e-learning courses to employees have been evolving for several years. The evolution of these practices aims to improve the rate of follow-up by employees of the training content distributed in e-learning as well as their learning. There is an academic and managerial interest in better understanding the factors influencing the act of monitoring e-learning courses by employees as well as on the learning of employees possibly resulting from this monitoring. On the basis of these observations, it is important to propose a characterization of the modes of deployment of e-learning paths among employees. Three main dimensions of the deployment of e-learning in companies have been identified and will be presented in this article: the technological, pedagogical and organizational dimension

    Exports price and non-price competitiveness: comparative analysis between morocco and some emerging countries

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    Exports represent a major component of the economic growth of countries, especially for a small open economy such as the Moroccan economy. Since its independence, Morocco has invested a great deal of effort in order to gain its external balance. The blocking of its import substitution strategy between 1960 and 1962, based on the protection and development of local industry, pushed it to embark on a policy of openness and liberalization. The latter was concretized by the adoption of a promotion policy for exports and international outsourcing from 1983 onwards. In the light of the phenomenon of the globalization of the value chain and the internationalization of production, the country has been oriented towards a policy of specialization in new world trades since 2005. In spite of these efforts, the trade deficit continues to grow annually. This can be explained by the increase in imported products, which are indeed imperative and indispensable for the good functioning of the national economy. This observation implies the importance of improving the competitiveness of Moroccan exports. In this sense, the analysis of the determinants of Moroccan export competitiveness is judicious. This document aims to establish a comparative analysis of export competitiveness and its determinants between Morocco and certain emerging countries. The result of the benchmark enables to conclude the importance of structural factors as well as price factors in the improvement of the countries' export performance. The Chinese and Turkish experiences discussed in this document are rich in lessons.  However, these models can inspire Morocco, which is still a young economy looking for pillars to withstand competition and stand out internationally.Exports represent a major component of the economic growth of countries, especially for a small open economy such as the Moroccan economy. Since its independence, Morocco has invested a great deal of effort in order to gain its external balance. The blocking of its import substitution strategy between 1960 and 1962, based on the protection and development of local industry, pushed it to embark on a policy of openness and liberalization. The latter was concretized by the adoption of a promotion policy for exports and international outsourcing from 1983 onwards. In the light of the phenomenon of the globalization of the value chain and the internationalization of production, the country has been oriented towards a policy of specialization in new world trades since 2005. In spite of these efforts, the trade deficit continues to grow annually. This can be explained by the increase in imported products, which are indeed imperative and indispensable for the good functioning of the national economy. This observation implies the importance of improving the competitiveness of Moroccan exports. In this sense, the analysis of the determinants of Moroccan export competitiveness is judicious. This document aims to establish a comparative analysis of export competitiveness and its determinants between Morocco and certain emerging countries. The result of the benchmark enables to conclude the importance of structural factors as well as price factors in the improvement of the countries' export performance. The Chinese and Turkish experiences discussed in this document are rich in lessons.  However, these models can inspire Morocco, which is still a young economy looking for pillars to withstand competition and stand out internationally

    Examining the Nexus Water Demand-Economic Growth in Morocco: A Tapio Decoupling Index Analysis

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    Water, the lifeblood of our planet, plays a crucial role not only in sustaining ecosystems but also in driving economic activities. Its pivotal importance in agriculture, industry, and human consumption makes it a non-negotiable element for societal progress and well-being. Yet, as vital as it is for economic development, its waning availability is sounding alarms worldwide, emphasizing the need for decoupling economic growth from water use. This holds especially true for nations like Morocco, grappling with water management challenges due to its arid and semi-arid climate. This research paper delves into the relationship between Morocco's economic growth and water demand from 1980 to 2017, utilizing the Tapio decoupling index. The findings indicate that water demand is decoupled from economic growth only in the absence of drought, suggesting that Morocco lacks resilience to climate change. These insights underscore the pressing need for robust and resilient water management approaches to ensure long-term economic and environmental sustainability in Morocco. Relying solely on adaptation might not suffice given the recurrent droughts intensified by climate change risks. Hence, a priority for decision-makers should be formulating strategies that enhance resilience.   Keywords: Water scarcity, Tapio decoupling index, Economic growth, Resilience, Morocco. Classification JEL : Q21- Q25- Q56 Paper type: Empirical Research L'eau, Ă©lĂ©ment vital de notre planète, joue un rĂ´le crucial non seulement dans le maintien des Ă©cosystèmes, mais aussi dans la conduite des activitĂ©s Ă©conomiques. Son importance capitale dans l'agriculture, l'industrie et la consommation humaine en fait un Ă©lĂ©ment non nĂ©gociable pour le progrès et le bien-ĂŞtre de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Pourtant, aussi vitale soit-elle pour le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique, sa disponibilitĂ© dĂ©croissante sonne l'alarme dans le monde entier, soulignant la nĂ©cessitĂ© de dĂ©coupler la croissance Ă©conomique de l'utilisation de l'eau. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour des pays comme le Maroc, aux prises avec des problèmes de gestion de l'eau en raison de son climat aride et semi-aride. Ce document de recherche se penche sur la relation entre la croissance Ă©conomique du Maroc et la demande en eau de 1980 Ă  2017, en utilisant l'indice de dĂ©couplage Tapio. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que la demande en eau n'est dĂ©couplĂ©e de la croissance Ă©conomique qu'en l'absence de sĂ©cheresse, ce qui suggère que le Maroc manque de rĂ©silience face au changement climatique. Ces informations soulignent le besoin pressant d'approches de gestion de l'eau robustes et rĂ©silientes pour assurer la durabilitĂ© Ă©conomique et environnementale Ă  long terme au Maroc. Compter uniquement sur l'adaptation pourrait ne pas suffire Ă©tant donnĂ© les sĂ©cheresses rĂ©currentes intensifiĂ©es a cause du changement climatique. Par consĂ©quent, une prioritĂ© pour les dĂ©cideurs devrait ĂŞtre de formuler des stratĂ©gies qui renforcent la rĂ©silience.   Mots clĂ©s : PĂ©nurie d'eau, Indice de dĂ©couplage Tapio, Croissance Ă©conomique, RĂ©silience, Maroc. JEL Classification : Q21- Q25- Q56 Type du papier : Recherche Empiriqu

    Analyse de la politique publique d’alphabétisation des adultes

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    The Moroccan government is committed to the development of a sectoral policy on inclusive literacy to enable the most vulnerable to participate in social and economic activities. The implementation of this policy is not the result of a demand on the part of the population but emanates from a firm government decision. The impetus of a modern and democratic society, promising a just and prosperous future in Morocco, depends on the improvement of the education and training system. The objective of this article is to present a conceptual and theoretical framework to bring elements of clarification to the dimension of adult literacy not only as a basic skill centered on reading and writing, but as a set of key knowledge to evolve in the contemporary world, then we are interested in making a critical analysis of the extent of this problem in the national context, and to present the progress made by public policy in this area as well as the difficulties encountered. The resulting results will be presented in the form of a set of general findings and recommendations. In this connection, several determinants and characteristics of the national policy will be presented and targeted measures will be proposed to improve the effectiveness and impact of the programmes implemented in this area.   Keywords: Adult literacy – Basic education – Evaluation – Development JEL Classification : I28 Paper type: Theoretical ResearchLe gouvernement marocain s’est engagĂ© dans l’élaboration d’une politique sectorielle d’alphabĂ©tisation inclusive pour permettre aux plus vulnĂ©rables de participer aux activitĂ©s de la vie sociale et Ă©conomique. La mise en place de cette politique n’est pas le fait d’une revendication de la part de la population, mais Ă©mane d’une dĂ©cision gouvernementale ferme. L’impulsion d’une sociĂ©tĂ© moderne et dĂ©mocratique, prometteuse d’un avenir juste et prospère au Maroc, est tributaire de l’amĂ©lioration du dispositif de l’éducation et la formation. L’objectif de cet article est de prĂ©senter un cadre conceptuel et thĂ©orique pour apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments de clarification Ă  la dimension de l’alphabĂ©tisation des adultes non seulement en tant qu’une compĂ©tence de base centrĂ©e sur la lecture et l’écriture, mais en tant qu’un ensemble de connaissances clĂ©s pour Ă©voluer dans le monde contemporain, ensuite nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  faire une analyse critique de l’ampleur de cette problĂ©matique dans le contexte national, et de prĂ©senter le progrès accompli par la politique publique dans ce domaine ainsi que les difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats qui en dĂ©couleront seront prĂ©sentĂ©s sous forme d’un ensemble de constats et recommandations gĂ©nĂ©rales. Ă€ ce titre plusieurs dĂ©terminants et caractĂ©ristiques de la politique nationale seront prĂ©sentĂ©s et des mesures ciblĂ©es seront proposĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer l’efficacitĂ© et les retombĂ©es des programmes mis en Ĺ“uvre dans ce domaine.   Mots clĂ©s : AlphabĂ©tisation des adultes, Éducation de base, Evaluation, DĂ©veloppement Classification JEL :  I28 Type de l’article : article thĂ©orique

    Morocco's exports today: A real legacy from the past

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    Exports of goods and services are a major driver of the economic and social development of countries, especially in the case of small open economies, such as Morocco. Since independence, Moroccan exports have been characterised by a concentration on basic products and a relatively weak evolution in comparison with competitors. Since 2005, these exports have undergone a profound structural transformation. The integration of the Moroccan economy in the new world trades has changed the base of specialisation of the country. It has gone from a country specialised in the production and export of agricultural products and textiles to a country producing and exporting automobile, electrical and aeronautical products. Therefore, forecasting Moroccan exports are of great importance for policy makers and government. The most popular and appropriate model for forecasting macroeconomic series in the literature are times series models. In this paper, we test whether the Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) model can forecast Moroccan exports. To do so, we follow the modelling process developed by Box & Jenkins (1976), namely: identification of the susceptible models, parameter estimates and validation testing. The results show that satisfactory forecasts can be obtained using the ARIMA model (0,1,0) or AR (1). This confirms the idea that the behaviour of exports today is the result of a rich historical antecedent of events. The examination of the country's economic history allows us to deduce the importance of structural factors for the development of exports. This analysis can serve as the basis for a multivariate model for the behaviour of Moroccan exports in the future.Exports of goods and services are a major driver of the economic and social development of countries, especially in the case of small open economies, such as Morocco. Since independence, Moroccan exports have been characterised by a concentration on basic products and a relatively weak evolution in comparison with competitors. Since 2005, these exports have undergone a profound structural transformation. The integration of the Moroccan economy in the new world trades has changed the base of specialisation of the country. It has gone from a country specialised in the production and export of agricultural products and textiles to a country producing and exporting automobile, electrical and aeronautical products. Therefore, forecasting Moroccan exports are of great importance for policy makers and government. The most popular and appropriate model for forecasting macroeconomic series in the literature are times series models. In this paper, we test whether the Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) model can forecast Moroccan exports. To do so, we follow the modelling process developed by Box & Jenkins (1976), namely: identification of the susceptible models, parameter estimates and validation testing. The results show that satisfactory forecasts can be obtained using the ARIMA model (0,1,0) or AR (1). This confirms the idea that the behaviour of exports today is the result of a rich historical antecedent of events. The examination of the country's economic history allows us to deduce the importance of structural factors for the development of exports. This analysis can serve as the basis for a multivariate model for the behaviour of Moroccan exports in the future

    Integrating Climate Policy, Social inclusion, and Indigenous Knowledge: Toward a Holistic Approach for Morocco's Sustainable Future

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    This study explores the intrinsic integration of climate policy, social inclusion, and indigenous knowledge in the context of Morocco's unique socio-cultural context. Despite their recognized individual importance, the literature lacks comprehensive insights into the transformative potential of this triangular approach. Based on existing research and theoretical frameworks, this study highlights the lack of exploration into how the interaction of these elements can foster effective climate policies and promote social cohesion. The detailed analysis highlights the need for empirical investigation to fill this gap and shed light on the complex dynamics between climate policy, social inclusion, and indigenous knowledge. This study aims to unveil unexploited potential for sustainable development by proposing a comprehensive framework that recognizes the interdependencies and potential benefits of integrating these dimensions. By filling this gap, this research contributes to academic discourse and policy formulation by offering insight into developing climate policies that embrace social inclusion and leverage indigenous knowledge for climate resilience in the Moroccan context. This study provides a roadmap for future studies to explore the complexities, nuances, and tangible impacts of this integrated approach in the Moroccan context and beyond, ultimately contributing to creating more informed and equitable climate policies in other countries.   Keywords: Climate Policy, Indigenous knowledge, social cohesion, Morocco. Classification JEL : E61, F68, J15, Q01 Paper type: Theoretical ResearchCet article explore l'intĂ©gration de la politique climatique, de l'inclusion sociale et des connaissances indigènes dans le contexte socioculturel marocain. MalgrĂ© leur importance respective, la littĂ©rature manque de perspectives globales sur le potentiel de cette approche transversale. Sur la base des Ă©tudes et des cadres thĂ©oriques existants, cet article met en Ă©vidence le manque d'exploration de la manière dont l'interaction de ces aspects peut favoriser la mise en place de politiques climatiques efficaces et promouvoir la cohĂ©sion sociale. Notre analyse met en Ă©vidence la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'une enquĂŞte empirique pour combler cette lacune et mettre en lumière sur la dynamique complexe entre la politique climatique, l'inclusion sociale et les connaissances indigènes. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  dĂ©voiler un potentiel inexploitĂ© pour le dĂ©veloppement durable en proposant un cadre global qui reconnaĂ®t les interdĂ©pendances et les avantages potentiels de l'intĂ©gration de ces trois dimensions. En comblant cette lacune, cette recherche contribue au dĂ©veloppement du champ acadĂ©mique en offrant un aperçu de l'Ă©laboration de politiques climatiques qui intègrent l'inclusion sociale et tirent parti des savoirs ancestraux pour la rĂ©silience climatique dans le contexte marocain. Cette Ă©tude fournit une feuille de route pour de futures Ă©tudes visant Ă  explorer les complexitĂ©s, les nuances et les impacts tangibles de cette approche intĂ©grĂ©e dans le contexte marocain, contribuant finalement Ă  crĂ©er des politiques climatiques plus Ă©clairĂ©es et plus Ă©quitables dans d'autres pays.   Mots clĂ©s : Politique climatique, Connaissances indigènes, Inclusion sociale, Maroc. JEL Classification : E61, F68, J15, Q01 Type du papier : Recherche ThĂ©oriqu

    La rationalité économique de l’homoéconomicus à l’épreuve des biais cognitifs : une lecture alternative

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    With the abundance of goods and the diversity of choices, the consumer has introduced several new considerations in the phase of materializing his needs in the form of desires, this operation is associated with errors of judgments explained by the cognitive biases of the human being, which requires a new reading of the models and rules on which consumer behavior is based. Based on this observation, also characterized by the emergence of behavioral economics, in particular with Daniel Kahneman's obtaining the “Nobel Prize” in economics for his work in this field, I tried to clarify this point in the microeconomics field by re-reading the laws of economic rationality (Gossen's laws, etc.) to conclude that the consumer is no longer governed by the laws of microeconomics and the latter's shift from “homo- economicus "to" homo-relative "from where I thought of making an attempt to diagnose the variables allowing the construction of a model which can explain the behavior of the consumer. We can say that the objective of this article is to show the anomalies of homoeconomicus, the figure which represents the neoclassical model of a rational economic agent which remains normative and abstract, hence the need to find another alternative model , more realistic, more efficient and relevant, capable of reflecting the true motivations of human behavior and of defining economic rationality in its multidimensional sense which respects the cognitive and psychosociological peculiarities of the human entity.   JEL Classification : D910 Paper Type : Theoretical ResearchAvec l’abondance des biens et la diversitĂ© des choix, le consommateur a introduit plusieurs nouvelles considĂ©rations dans la phase de la matĂ©rialisation de ses besoins sous forme des dĂ©sirs, cette opĂ©ration est associĂ©e par des erreurs de jugement expliquĂ©es par les biais cognitifs de l’être humain, ce qui impose une nouvelle lecture des modèles et des règles sur lesquels s’appuie le comportement du consommateur. En se basant sur ce constat caractĂ©risĂ© aussi par l’émergence de l’économie comportementale  notamment avec l’obtention de Daniel Kahneman du « prix Nobel Â» en sciences Ă©conomiques sur ses travaux dans ce domaine, j’ai essayĂ© d’éclaircir ce point dans le domaine micro-Ă©conomie Ă  travers la relecture des lois de la rationalitĂ© Ă©conomique (lois de Gossen,…) pour conclure que le consommateur n’est plus gouvernĂ© par les lois de la micro-Ă©conomie et le passage de ce dernier de « homo-Ă©conomicus Â» Ă  « homo-relatives Â» d’oĂą j’ai pensĂ© de faire un essai de diagnostiquer les variables permettant la construction d’un modèle qui peut expliquer le comportement du consommateur . On peut dire que l’objectif de cet article est de montrer les anomalies de l’homoĂ©conomicus, la figure qui reprĂ©sente le modèle nĂ©oclassique d’un agent Ă©conomique rationnel qui reste normatif et abstrait, d’oĂą la nĂ©cessitĂ© de trouver un autre modèle alternatif, plus rĂ©aliste, plus performant et pertinent, capable de reflĂ©ter les vraies motivations du comportement humain et de dĂ©finir la rationalitĂ© Ă©conomique dans son sens multidimensionnel qui respecte les particularitĂ©s cognitives et psychosociologiques de l’entitĂ© humaine.        Classification JEL : D910 Type de l’article : Recherche thĂ©oriqu

    Entrepreneuriat et encastrement social : Corpus théorique

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    Les Ă©tudes qui font partie du domaine de la sociologie Ă©conomique ont montrĂ© qu’un entrepreneur est un individu encastrĂ© socialement dans son entourage.  Cet encastrement social est suivi par son insertion dans un rĂ©seau de relations lui permettant d’obtenir des ressources nĂ©cessaires Ă  la rĂ©alisation effective de son projet. Comme aussi ce mĂŞme rĂ©seau social peut avoir un effet sur son comportement intentionnel vis-Ă -vis de l’entrepreneuriat. Les relations sociales vont reprĂ©senter un mode de diffusion de l’ensemble d’informations et de connaissances. Cela permet ainsi l’accès aux ressources plus diffĂ©rentes que le marchĂ©, donc l’insertion aux rĂ©seaux sociaux du futur entrepreneur pourrait ĂŞtre un Ă©lĂ©ment très important au succès entrepreneurial.L’encastrement : Pour Granovetter tous les phĂ©nomènes Ă©conomiques quelques soient leurs Ă©poques ils sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme encastrĂ©s dans une structure des rĂ©seaux sociaux, oĂą des facteurs tels que la confiance, la rĂ©ciprocitĂ© jouent un rĂ´le majeur Ă©conomique. L’environnement relationnel constitue une variable dĂ©terminante, dans la mesure oĂą elle permet Ă  l’entrepreneur de bĂ©nĂ©ficier de plusieurs avantages. Un entrepreneur peut se procurer aisĂ©ment du financement d’un projet grâce Ă  son insertion aux rĂ©seaux sociaux Cet article constitue un corpus thĂ©orique qui met en relief l’entrepreneuriat et les relations sociales de l’entrepreneur dans diffĂ©rentes approches dans la phase de l’intention entrepreneuriale et celle de la crĂ©ation.&nbsp

    Liens entre le taux de change et la croissance économique au Maroc : une approche économétrique en équations simultanées

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of exchange rate variations on morrocan economic growth and to determin the indirect channels of this influence. An econometric approche has been used to explore this relationship. Each equation in the system explains one of the selected endogenous variables, namely : GDP per capita growth; imports; exports; domestic investment and FDI. The last four variables represent the potential transmission channels of exchange rate variations on growth. The choice of the explanatory variables is the result of a consistent research and empirical investigation in order to determine the best model for each of the five equations of the system. The empirical findings using three stage least squares technique reveal that reel effective exchange rate has a significant negative effect on economic growth, provided that the institutional quality variable is introduced in the model. Thus, our results show that imports, exports and FDI are the channels through which exchange rate variations affect growth, where exchange rate appreciation has a negative impact on exports and FDI. Although it has a positive effect on imports. However, we found no evidence of a significant impact of exchange rate variations on domestic investment in Morocco.      JEL Classification : F31, F43, C3. Paper type : Empirical researchL'objectif de cet article est d'examiner l’impact des variations du taux de change sur la croissance Ă©conomique au Maroc et de dĂ©terminer les canaux de transmission indirects de cette influence. Un modèle Ă©conomĂ©trique Ă  Ă©quations simultanĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour cette fin. Le système d’équations Ă©laborĂ© se compose de cinq Ă©quations, chaque Ă©quation explique l’une des variables endogènes choisies, Ă  savoir : la croissance du PIB par habitant ; les importations ; les exportations ; les investissements domestiques et les IDE. Les quatre dernières variables reprĂ©sentent les canaux de transmission potentiels des variations du taux de change sur la croissance. Le choix des variables explicatives a fait l’objet d’un travail colossal d’investigation empirique et d’un aller-retour entre la revue de littĂ©rature et nos propres tests empiriques, afin de dĂ©terminer le meilleur modèle pour chacune des cinq Ă©quations du système. L’estimation de notre modèle Ă  Ă©quations simultanĂ©es, avec la mĂ©thode des triples moindres carrĂ©e, montre que le taux de change impacte significativement la croissance Ă©conomique au Maroc, Ă  condition que la variable qualitĂ© institutionnelle soit introduite dans le modèle. Il apparait ainsi, selon nos rĂ©sultats, que les importations ; les exportations et les IDE, constituent de mĂŞme des canaux de transmission des variations du taux de change sur la croissance. OĂą, l’apprĂ©ciation du taux de change impacte nĂ©gativement les exportations et les IDE, alors qu’elle semble avoir un effet positif sur les importations. Toutefois, nos rĂ©sultats n’ont pas prouvĂ© un impact significatif des variations du taux de change sur les investissements domestiques au Maroc.       Classification JEL :  F31, F43, C3. Type de l’article : Recherche appliquĂ©